I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.
— Henry David Thoreau

Founded in Humboldt County, CA

iEarth, LLC is a consulting group dedicated to providing premium agricultural and horticultural consulting services to commercial farmers and hobbyist gardeners alike.


Our mission is to provide professional consulting advice and to help clients maximize crop yields, boost secondary plant metabolites and provide a trouble free environment along the way. Our integrity, innovation and scientific structure will empower farmers and growers to achieve and exceed their production goals.


The objectives of our agricultural endeavors are to maximize the biological vitality of our operating systems. Through optimizing soil health as well as leaf tissue health, we allow the plants to express their highest epigenetic potentials. This in turn provides us with medicine in the form of minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and other secondary metabolites. This plant medicine is the true medicine, and we want more people around the world to take part in framing this model of horticulture/agriculture.

The Team


Russell Pace III -President

B.S. in Geology (focus in Geochemistry and Hydrogeology)

Russell Pace is the founder and president of iEarth, LLC. He has been farming food crops for over 20 years now and he has spent the last 18 years of his life in Humboldt County, CA studying Botany, Plant Physiology, Soil Science, Entomology, Mycology, and Plant Pathology. He is highly proficient with multiple types of cultivation practices with a focus on IPM through ecological methodologies. He currently occupies many roles in the burgeoning horticultural industry. He works as a Cultivation Consultant, Research Scientist, Speaker for Ecologically minded Workshops, and Writer.

Luke Besmer.jpg


Agricultural Pest Control Adviser (PCA) Certified Crop Advisor (CCA)

Luke has a degree in Biological Science and Botany from Humboldt State University where he learned about the dynamic social systems that gardening can bring into one's life.  After college, Luke worked as a professional grower in a large scale San Diego propagation facility, an invaluable experience. At the 60+ acre nursery Luke was working with and around a number of synthetic and hazardous chemicals. This prompted him to  decide to work towards developing healthier fertilization and pest control systems. After spending time at the industrial plant nursery, Luke  worked professionally as a Bacteriologist at a environmental laboratory. There he learned more about complex biologic systems and how we can study their characteristics. Combining experience over the years, Luke has learned to grow successfully using good organic dry amendments, compost teas, and microbial inoculants. A combination of science and nature.

Brian J. Dykstra

MS Biology (focus on pollination ecology) BS Environmental Policy

Brian brings a multi-faceted, integrated perspective to any project, based on more than thirty years working with plants, and more than ten years studying bees and pollination ecology. Brian runs his own food farm and orchard in Eastern Humboldt County, and occasionally teaches at Humboldt State University. He has taught courses on plant taxonomy, plant intelligence, bee taxonomy, and the human-bee connection. Brian has managed greenhouse facilities at multiple academic institutions, worked in the fields of agricultural extension and ecological restoration, and is an in-demand speaker on topics related to bees and plants.